Newcastle City Council are currently reviewing the clinical sexual health services within Newcastle upon Tyne.
Newcastle City Council are undertaking a review of the clinical sexual health service provision across the city. These services provide:
- Contraception including Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
- Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infection (STI)
- HIV testing and partner notification
- Sexual health specialist services including young people’s services, outreach and health promotion
- Chlamydia screening
These services are currently provided by a range of organisations within Newcastle, including, NHS hospitals trust, GPs and community pharmacies. These contracts are now due to be renewed, so we are taking the opportunity to review and re-design how the whole sexual health system is delivered across Newcastle.
The first part of this is understanding how well the current services meet the needs of people who use them, and those who may use them in future.
They are also holding workshops with organisations, such as ourselves, who currently provide sexual health services, to get our views as well as focus groups with service users.
They want to hear your views, as they are important and can influence the future of sexual health services in Newcastle.
After this, the next stage will be to define a new model for delivering sexual health services, and they will be using your feedback to help them to do that. They will then consult on this new service model later this year.
The survey is confidential, and your answers will be kept private. No one will be identified from their answers or in any reports about what people share. Thank you for giving us your views.
To take part in the survey please follow this link: Newcastle Sexual Health Services Consultation (Clinical) 2023
If you have any questions or need this information in an alternative format, such as large print, please contact Kate Montague at: